Sunday 22 September 2013

Autumn is so fucking romantic... and "Together"...

This morning I woke up and I was absolutely adamant that I would draw some kind of Autumn scene. I fucking love Autumn. It's so fucking romantic. It's not so cold that you can't enjoy being outside still but it's cold enough that you can wear coats and stuff again while snuggling up to a loved one. If you have one. Also the illustration friday word was "together" so I thought fuck it, let's do a couple. So, here's my adorable same sex couple. I actually spent at least eight hours doing the prep sketches and the final image today. That's unusual for me. I can't usually keep working on something for more than three hours straight before I have to break but I've been hammering this out today. It didn't even feel like eight hours! I'm happy! YES!

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